Transit visa
Sometimes Russia is not the end point of the trip, but just the country where you make a transfer. A transit visa is issued if the stay exceeds 24 hours.And, accordingly, such a visa will give you the opportunity to go beyond the international zone of the airport and see the beauty of Red Square, Nikolskaya Street, Zaryadye Park and some other sights.
The term of such a visa cannot exceed 10 days. For travel by car, it is issued for the period necessary for transit on the shortest route. It is calculated based on the daily mileage of the car, equal to 500 km.

The type of transit visa depends on the multiplicity: TP1 - single entry, TP2 – single / double entry.

However, this visa cannot be obtained without reason. These include:
  1. valid travel tickets or a guarantee of purchasing tickets in the territory of the Russian Federation
  2. visa to enter the state adjacent to the Russian Federation along the route
  3. visa of the state of destination / passports of this state
  4. reasoned request and documents confirming the need to stop
The price includes the cost of insurance and consular fees.